Grant Writing Services

Grant Experts is a reliable, legitimate, and popular grant writing site that offers affordable grant writing solutions to non-profits, profitable organizations, minority-owned businesses, women entrepreneurs, students, and institutes that are looking for reliable grant writing services in the US.

They state themselves as one of the most trusted and experienced professional grant consulting firms. Are they one of the best and finest Grant Experts in the US?

So, before declaring them as the best grant writing organization, let’s head down and review their services. Within this review, we will critically analyze their grant writing services, their pricing, their offering, expertise, skills, and their grant writers’ competency level.

So, if you are looking for an honest review, this article is just what you need. Continue reading, there is a lot more to go.

Rating4.8 Star ★★★★★
PriceAffordable And Negotiable
Customer Support24/7
Refund PolicyYes
Grant Writing ServicesCustom-Grant Services, Business Grant Writing Services, Educational Grant Writing Services, RFPs, Non-Profit Grant Writing Services, And Grant Proposal Writing Services
Grants TypesFederal, State, And Private Corporations

Meet Grant Experts

Grant Experts claim themselves as one of the best grant writers in the US. They have experience in writing numerous grant proposals and RFPs in various niches and industries.  They have helped numerous organizations win grants for foundations, private corporations, federal, and other government funding organizations. Moreover, they have helped small, medium-sized, and large organizations win grant awards. However, they seem new in the grant writing world as they have a limited client profile with a comparatively lower grant-winning amount.

Grant Writing Services

Grant Experts offers a wide range of grant writing services; business grant writing services, custom grant writing services, non-profit grant writing services, educational grant writing services, federal grant writing services, foundation grant writing services, grant proposal writing services, and RFP grant writing services. After comparing them to their competitors, we would say they have edged their writing services, as they are the only grant writing services that are offering a wide range of grant writing services.

Affordable Rates

Grant Experts is offering a fair price to attract customers of all types. So, if you are a startup business owner, short of funds, or an entrepreneur with limited funding options; then grant experts can be your right choice. They manage their customers according to their budget and offer customized solutions according to client’s needs.  Budget is one of the most important elements that attract grant seekers. They are not only offering affordable grant writing rates but also offering a refund policy in case of customer dissatisfaction. They have mentioned their refund policy conditions, thereby preventing disputes.

Success Stories

Testimonials can be biased, and they can be created. However, success stories cannot be fake. One of the best things we loved about their grant writing site was their success stories. They have a clear section of success stories of legit clients, highlighting their experience with Grant Experts. To review their credibility, you can cross-check some of the clients they have mentioned in their success stories. We did and got a positive response. Would you rely on a grant-writing expert who has legitimate customer stories? Well, we would. But this is not our final statement. There is a lot more to check and evaluate.

Let’s look into more detail; then you can decide later.

Grant Experts Reputation

Grant Experts is a reputable grant-writing firm that has been operating for a decade. They have earned a good name in a short duration; only a decade. They have successfully helped numerous clients win awards. They are a well-established grant-writing organization with a flawless reputation and of huge crowd of happy customers. They have attained an A+ rating from their clients.

Grant Experts Customer Support

Grant Experts customer support is available 24/7. Well, when we are searching for a reliable, legit grant writing consultancy firm; we require an effective response from their end. If customer support fails to satisfy the customer; they may look for other options. We tested their customer support and contacted them on their website. Within minutes, their support manager was there to address us. Their support manager even referred us to one of their grant writers. You can contact them directly on their website and their representative will answer you shortly. Their support manager will help you resolve your queries. They also facilitate their clients in case they need to talk to their grant writers. They can just issue a report and their agents will get back to them shortly.

We claim Grant Experts to have friendly and supportive customer support.

Quality Of Grant Writing Services

Grant Experts have a proven record of grant writing services. They are knowledgeable, experienced, and expert in writing and crafting compelling grant proposals. They have the expertise to produce proposals that align well with the vision of the program. While talking to one of their grant writers, we can entitle them to have a proven record of writing high-quality content that produces note-worthy funds. The samples they shared with us were professional, detailed grant proposals. We were impressed!

Experienced Grant Writing Team

Grant Experts have experience in producing numerous grant proposals for organizations, minorities, non-profit institutes, women, students, or any individual seeking financial help. Therefore, their grant writers are equipped with the essential expertise, knowledge, and vast experience to craft effective and efficient grant proposals. With over 10 years of a proven record, they employ the best grant writers on their team.  Moreover, they work as a team; so if you assign them a grant proposal with a constraint deadline their professional grant writers, development coordinators, fundraising directors, executive directors, board members, and other key stakeholders work together to produce a winning proposal. They will help you from searching to submitting the grant proposal. Moreover, they also coach new entrepreneurs and businessmen so their funding journey is streamlined.

They go above writing grant proposals, they offer free advice with no costs attached. 

Customized Solutions

Generally, grant-writing firms produce a standard grant proposal for their customers/ clients. Whereas, Grant Experts believes in customized solutions. They adopt a client-centric approach, where they tailor their grant writing solutions according to the client’s needs. every client is offered customized solutions, no copy-paste proposals, and no templates. For all clients, they generate a customized solution that aligns well with the funding guidelines and is not template-based.

Support All Across The US

Grant writing can be daunting and extremely stressful for a newbie entrepreneur looking for funding opportunities to upscale their business. In such a scenario, they need a grant guru; a Grant Expert who will help them deal with their financial needs; especially if they are a US citizen or residing in the US. Businesses always need financial injections to carry out smooth operations. The US agencies offer numerous grant funding options for its citizens all year round; federal, government, state, and even private corporations are offering funding opportunities across the US. Grant Experts help these businessmen; they help them find the right grant opportunity that aligns well with their organizational goals. Grant Expert offers grant writing support in Florida, California, Tennessee, Louisiana, North Carolina, and Nevada. However, they are not offering their services in Canada, and other states.

Free Grant Advice

Grant writing agencies have the proficiency, experience, and expertise to craft compelling grant proposals for their clients. But in return, they offer a price. A standard price. They do not offer their services for free. However, Grant Experts offer free grant advice to all, not just their customers. So, if you are confused, or overwhelmed about your funding needs; talking to their Grant Experts may help you. They are the only Grant Experts writing firm that offers free advice, otherwise there is always a price attached for a free service.

Well, that was all! So, have you made up your mind to avail of their grant writing services?

Well, before you head down, let’s look into some of the pros and cons of Grant Experts

Pros And Cons Of Grant Experts

Things We LikeThings We Don’t Like
Reliable, professional, and skilled Professional Team.Support only in the USA
24/7 customer support  Few customers
Customized grant writing servicesFewer grants awarded
Free grant advice 
Numerous grant writing services 
Affordable and negotiable prices 

Grant Experts are offering robust grant writing services to their clients. However, they still need improvement on certain grounds. Grant experts have been successful in attaining successful happy customers, however, they have named only a few.  moreover, compared to their competitors they haven’t been able to win big amounts; they declare their winning proposal amount to only +500,000 grants which is considerably low as compared to others.

Moreover, they are offering grant writing solutions only in the US, while some of their competitors are also offering their services in Canada. Furthermore, some of their competitors have more than 25 years of experience. However, with time they might reach significant heights as they have accelerated in the grant writing industry with strong footings.

Now let’s look into some of their competitors offering similar grant writing services.


Fortunately, the online world is bombarded with grant-writing experts. Once you start your search for the finest grant writers, there will be a long-awaited list of expert grant writers for you to choose from. So, who to pick? Grant Experts has a lot of competitors, offering similar grant writing services.

  • William Grant Writing
  • Bryte Bridge Nonprofit Solution
  • Grant Central USA
  • DH Leonard Consulting And Grant Writing Solutions
  • Allied Grant Writing Solutions
  • Grants Plus

These are just a few picked, there are unlimited grant writing organizations offering prestigious grant writing solutions. These competitors have helped secure clients with big amounts but at the cost of high prices. All the competitors charge a high price, non-negotiable rates, and no refund policy with limited revisions.

So, if we analyze Grant Expert grant writing services with their competitors, we state them as reliable, legitimate, and professional Grant Writing Firms in the US you can rely on.


Grant Experts is one of the best grant writing platforms where you can avail professional grant writing services at an affordable price. They are a team of grant writers who can create compelling grant proposals on various subjects and industries within a constrained budget and timeline. They can produce outstanding grant proposals, RFPs, and custom grant proposals tailored to the needs of the client. They use a client-centric approach; therefore, they leave a long-lasting impression on clients.

Grant Experts have the experience, expertise, and knowledge to plan, search, and write proposals for their clients. Grant writing is a daunting task that involves a lot of effort, time, and resources; but if you allocate and surrender your work to a competent and reliable grant writer; you receive the outcome you desire.

So, if you ask us, we would recommend Grant Expert writers. Even though they seem new in the grant writing field; they have gained popularity and admiration through their clients all across the US. Their success stories leave a long-lasting impression in our minds; therefore, we can state that it is worth trying them.

Here is a quick summary of the Grant Experts writing services findings:

Grant writing services4.9/5Excellent
Affordable rates5/5Excellent
Success stories5/5Excellent
Grant Experts repute4.5/5Good
Grant Experts customer support5/5Excellent
Support all across the US4.5/5Satisfactory
Free grant advice4.8/5Good
Quality of grant writing services5/5Excellent
Customized solutions5/5Excellent